All Saveheat Windows come with a ‘A’ Rating (WER) as standard, meaning higher energy-efficiency and great energy savings!
Window Energy Ratings (WER) is a straightforward system that provides consumers with a familiar grading regarding the energy performance of a window. It rates windows within a band between A-G.Products with an 'A' rating have a higher energy-efficiency than those that are rated 'G'. All Saveheatwindows are ‘A’ rated.
A window with a high WER will retain heat better than any standard single, or double glazing window. The glazing system within the window can also act to absorb the heat from the sun. With the improved thermal performance of the window, the homeowner can spend less on heating their home as less heat escapes out the window.
With Saveheat Windows you receive a superior glazing product that will improve your home and help save you money.